
  • Invalid subscription key

    Hi, I seem to have lost access to the Emission Prediction Calculator API at The subscription that was working previously is still listed as "active" in the API Portal. I also tried making another subscription, but that doesn't seem to work either. This is the error I'm getting: { "statusCode": 401, "message": "Access denied due to invalid subscription key. Make sure to provide a valid key for an active subscription." } I tried subscribing to the HACKATON version of the API, and that is working fine. Is this version replacing the previous one? Will I lose access after the hackaton event? Will other Veracity users with access to the previously working API be able to use my application if I switch to the HACKATON API in my code? Best regards, Hogne Aasjord Astrup Fearnley CODE

    Status: Proposed | Reported by Hidden Fri, 07 Jan 2022 10:33:07 GMT
  • Get UserID from email address

    Hi, Attached to this e-mail, you find a complete description of the issue that I currently have. I see as well that there is a MyServices V3. I tried it there, but no luck. Same 403 error as described in the pdf attached. I have also reported it through the "Get support" in the veracity page: I am not sure if this ends up in a different channel, but I am trying it here as well. BR

    Status: Proposed | Reported by Hidden Wed, 03 Apr 2019 07:55:03 GMT

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